Yes! - the scarer emits 189 decibels of sounds at irregular intervals under water, which all seals with normal hearing will be able to escape from.
A sure sign of this is that in over 30 years we´ve sold over 1,000 systems – 600 of which in Norway, the rest worldwide. We are constantly selling new systems to returning customers because they are going to build a new location, or their old scarers are worn out.
Various research institutes have also made experiments, and through this documented that the seal scarer keeps seals and a number of other marine mammals at a safe distance.
The seal scarer is very effective when it is used directly. Check the power supply and connections regularly, and make sure to get the equipment checked and calibrated every two years. Bad batteries or connections are often the cause if users experience that the equipment does not work satisfactorily.
Another tip is to put out the scarer in the facility well in advance of releasing the fish, as it is easier to keep the seals away that way, as opposed to getting them away after they have become accustomed to the "food bowl". In some cases, one can experience that old, large animals do not react to the seal scarer. This is because the animal has damaged hearing.